The U.C. Hiking Club/CHAOS Alumni Site
The U.C. Hiking Club is an outdoor group founded at U.C. Berkeley in 1948, with roots going all the way back to Joseph LeConte’s ‘University Excursion Party’ in 1870. The club has has been known since 1992 as the Cal Hiking and Outdoor Society (CHAOS). The University of California required the name change when new student group naming conventions were adopted.
Three UC Hiking Club Reunions held August 2010
The August 2010 reunion in Missouri brought this note from Tom Aley:
"Caving, canoe trips, eating, birding, botanizing, hiking, eating,
drinking, music, slide shows, eating, good conversations, sleeping in
bunk houses, bat watching, velo-mo-babies and eating. How much more
hiking trip-ish can it get? You know where we are now, come back!!"
Here are some photos taken at the Missouri reunion from Minard "Pete" Hall. And more from Bob Orser, Keith Howard, and Dave Eggleston.
Bob Orser also took photos of the Berkeley reunion at Skate's restaurant.
Steve Cafferata sent two photos from the Oregon reunion.
Who was in the U. C. Hiking Club, 1948 – 1970?
Helen McGinnis and Kay Hershey Loughman have created an Excel spreadsheet with names and contact information for more than 175 alumni who were active in the Hiking Club between its 1948 founding and 1970. Some information is also available in the List of Alumni, below.
We are still searching for contact information for at least 1250 others who were members during that time. The spreadsheet will be updated whenever we can add something new.
Former Hiking Club members who would like to have the spreadsheet can contact either Helen or Kay, providing us with the name they used when they were members.
List of Alumni New addition October 2016: David Hill
News and contact information for past UC Hiking Club and CHAOS members
Reunion Photos & Reports
Assorted History
The U.C. Hiking Club was organized (again, or for the first time, is not clear) in October 1948, when Richard Bower and Kathleen Campbell, both university students, called a meeting of all people who were interested in the fine sport of hiking. 111 enthusiastic people came to the meeting to learn that the first hike of the semester was to be a nine-mile jaunt from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach.
Hiking Club articles in the Daily Cal, 1948–1966
Climbing the Campanile (1952)
1952 High Trip participants create peanut-flavored malt, 2015 comments by Tom Colby Don Matteson and Peter Scott
Easter Bunny on the the Campanile (1955) two accounts by Ray Lucas, July 2010 and November 2014
About the Hiking Club (c. 1956)
Saving Liz from the Rally Committee (1958) by John Fiske, 2010
UCHC Officer Candidates (ca. 1958)
UCHC Officer Candidate statements (Spring 1959)
Bill Loughman writes of UCHC experiences (1950s)
Original URL |
Archived copy |
Related writings
Remembrances from Dave Rottman (late 1950s) written September 2010
UCB Building Climbs by Dick Scheible (c1956-60) Undated handwritten list of buildings on campus which had been or were still to be climbed.
Deena's Memories (1958) written 2014
The Berkeley Mountain Rescue Group (1958-1963-ish)
The Need for Cave Preservation, by Tom Aley (1958)
Keith Howard album
Don Goodrich falls on Mt.Conness (June 1959)
Who Remembers Logan Bread? comments and recipes (2014)
Letter from Keith Howard to Dick Scheible (March 1960)
1960 El Cap Summit Party, commentary by John Fiske
1961 Yosemite snow camping trip video includes pictures of Bob Baron, Dottie Lundquist, Roger Ulrich, Bill Gardiner, and Lang Russell, and many unidentified others. By Bob Baron
- 1961 Friday noon folkdancing on the lawn, Video includes pictures of Judy Macfarlane, Vince Sarich, and possibly Ruth Barron, Deena Zonligt and Ann Rumble, among many unidentified others. By Bob Baron
Life Parts-UCHC, chapters from a 2013 memoir, by Bob Baron
A Banquet in the Main Library
1962 Ski Tour, by John Fiske
UCHC 1959-1966, as told by Phil Pennington
Glen Canyon photos (1962), by Phil Pennington
Comments on the Glen Canyon, by Keturah Gashwiler Pennington
Glen Canyon: The Place No One Knew, Story Map by Glen Canyon Institute. Photos and captions by Phil Pennington 1962-1964; Produced by National Geographic Maps.
Halloween Party-Black Sabbath (1963), by Chela Varentzoff Kunasz (June 2014)
1964 High Trip: Information, Schedule, Packing List, compiled by Helen McGinnis
Testaments Three (1976-1983) and Four (1982-1984), courtesy Bob Akka (Introduction to the Testaments)
Origins of the Gourmet Trip (1979)
Hiking Club brochure (ca. 1989)
Liability Waiver (ca. 1990)
- UCHC Mid-term report 1991
- UCHC Library Inventory 1991
Daily Californian article (1999)
If you have other historical materials from the Hiking Club and would like to see them here, please email public

1949 member card. More cards . . .

1949 Fall schedule
Printed by Ron Smith

1950 Spring–Summer
Printed by Ron Smith

1951 Spring-Summer
Printed by Ron Smith

1953 UCHC Handbook
Edited by Richard Searle
& Harry Krueper

UCHC Song Sheet
Newsletter—The Bear Track
Read past issues of The Bear Track, 1949-1995. We have 85+ issues; please help fill in the gaps!
Schedules of Activities
1949 Fall schedule
1950 Spring-Summer Schedule
1951 Spring-Summer Schedule
1953 Spring schedule
1956 Fall schedule
1957 Spring schedule
1958 Spring schedule
Groups started by former UC Hiking Club/CHAOS members